Monday, September 1, 2008

The Zoo & Maggie "Firsts"

~The girls at the Botanical Gardens...such cute little flowers!~

~Gracyn & Emma watching the giraffes. ~

Sometimes I feel like we live in a zoo, but today we actually visted one! It was Labor Day, so Dow was home from work, and Gracyn and Emma were home from school. We decided to visit Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Columbia, South Carolina and make the holiday a special one for the girls.

It was a great day! We saw some really neat animals, learned a lot about endangered species, and the girls got to do some really fun riding a pony and milking a cow (a fake one, but still, it was fun!)

Maggie was on her best behavior..except when it came to picture time...the flower picture is the only one that I could even get her to look in the right direction to take! She's definitely come in to her own, and is very interested in everything around her!

Maggie is growing up so fast, and had a few "firsts" this weekend. Her first visit to the zoo, her first time on the swing set, her first time trying to eat grass (in the picture, she's looking at it closely and really thinking about it!)and her first time standing on her own...of course, once she realized that she was standing on her own, she promptly sat down and cried!

Now, it's back to the grind of a normal really was such a great holiday weekend, and a perfect end to summer. Now, if we could just get some fall weather???


HappyascanB said...

Isn't the Columbia zoo one of the best? Tim and I went a couple of years ago while visiting his parents, and we had a blast! My fave was feeding the giraffes! precious pictures!!