Friday, January 9, 2009

Ten Things

I was challenged to do this by my sweet friend, Bethany, and thought it looked like fun. The challenge is to write ten things that people might not know about you. So here goes:

1. I'm left handed. I don't, however, feel that I'm very "left brained." I'm a very organized, type A personality, and not very "artsy."

2. I'm a very safe, conscientious driver, and haven't had a ticket since college (knock on wood!). However, I failed my first attempt at my drivers license miserably. I got it on the second try, but I was a nervous wreck!

3. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a country singer when I grew up. I still "get my fix" singing karaoke (alone...with my ipod!), and living vicariously through "American Idol."

4. I love being a mom, adore children, and even teach Bible School, but never, never, never ever wanted to be a teacher. I just don't think I have the patience.

5. I color-code my closet... shoes, too. And Dow's...and the girls. I'm a little neurotic when it comes to organization.

6. I firmly believe that everything has it's place. And as organized as I am in every area of my house, I have a very messy "junk drawer" in my kitchen. I have no idea what's in there, and occasionally have to clean it out when it gets too full, but for the most part, I just let it live in the kitchen...eating whatever doesn't have a home.

7. I have a very silly sense of humor, and will find kid's jokes (like the ones you find on a popsicle stick) absolutely hilarious. The sillier the better!

8. I'm totally addicted to "As the World Turns" and Tivo it every day. However, I hate Paul Ryan, and will fast forward every time he's on the screen.

9. I'm a HUGE Disney fanatic, and quite a dork about it. I love Disney World, Disney movies, Disney Princesses...It's a no-stress, good natured, fun, happy place and I love everything about it. I'm worse than the girls when we're on the way to Disney World. I have a hard time sleeping the night before, because I'm so excited! Sometimes, I find myself on the Disney World website...just dreaming! (I'm such a dork! I know...) I'm also a Christmas fanatic, and will go nuts over anything and everything Christmas...lights, music, etc...the magic and make believe just brings out the kid in me like nothing else!

10. I'm pretty sure that our family is complete, and that Dow and I are done having babies. But, sometimes, I toss around the idea of adoption. I don't know why it's on my heart, or if anything will ever come of it, but I like the idea of giving a child a loving, Christian home. I feel that it's my calling to be a wife and a mother, and wonder if I'll have room for just one more down the road...

There! That's my ten! I'm a pretty open book, but it was fun to try and find ten things that you might not know.


HappyascanB said...

I feel a calling to adopt. .. . or at least entertain the idea. I do hope we can have kiddos of our own first, though! And I love your humor! I've always admired the way you laugh and seem to enjoy life's gifts, big and small! Thanks for playing along!!